Chief Buckskin Charley

by Jerry McElroy
Original - Sold
24.000 x 36.000 x 0.750 inches
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Chief Buckskin Charley
Jerry McElroy
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Sapiah was the leader of the Southern Ute tribe from 1880 until his death in 1936. He was born around 1840 in the Ute lands before settlements. He was recognized as Chief of the Mauche and Servero Bands and Principal Chief of the Capote. He succeeded Chief Ouray as the official treaty negotiator. He learned English and took the "white man's name" Charles Buck, but he was best known as Buckskin Charley. He led the rescue of women and children who were abducted during the Meeker Massacre. In 1890, he was given the Rutherford Hayes Indian Peace Medal by President Benjamin Harrison. He rode with Geronimo in Theodore Roosevelt's 1905 Inaugural Parade. His son, Antonio Buck Sr., succeeded him as hereditary chief and became the first elected chairman of the Southern Ute tribe. The original painting is beautifully framed and available at www.jerrymcelroy.com
This painting is protected by copyright law, all rights reserved
December 13th, 2016